Compass at Rangebank


At Rangebank Primary School we communicate with parents using Compass for Schools.

Compass School Manager provides access to school news, events, upcoming assignments and more. The application is designed for staff, students and parents.

You can access Compass via a website or app. You will need a Username and Password from the Rangebank office staff.

To access Compass via the website, click here: 

To download the app, look for Compass in your phone or iPad app store. Once you have downloaded the app, please contact the office for your Username and Password.

Rangebank Primary School

Enrol Now - There are three options for enrolment at Rangebank.

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We are a diverse and dynamic school with a strong focus on student wellbeing and a dedicated teaching staff.

Contact Info

Address: 14-36 Lesdon Avenue, Cranbourne, 3977, Victoria, Australia
Number: (03) 5996 8900

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