Learning at Rangebank

At Rangebank Primary our Learning and Teaching Programs are designed to encourage and promote a love of lifelong learning. The new Victorian Curriculum forms the basis of the school’s comprehensive and integrated curriculum programs. 

The curriculum includes a strong focus on the foundational skills of literacy and numeracy, and on personal, social skills, and thinking skills.  The Victorian Curriculum gives students the skills they need for work and life: literacy, numeracy, scientific knowledge and skills, resilience, respectful relationships, the use of digital technologies and the capacity for critical and creative thinking and expression. 

To explore the curriculum in greater detail please visit: https://victoriancurriculum.vcaa.vic.edu.au/

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Rangebank Primary School

Enrol Now - There are three options for enrolment at Rangebank.

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We are a diverse and dynamic school with a strong focus on student wellbeing and a dedicated teaching staff.

Contact Info

Address: 14-36 Lesdon Avenue, Cranbourne, 3977, Victoria, Australia
Number: (03) 5996 8900
Email: rangebank.ps@education.vic.gov.au

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