Transition at Rangebank


Education is a journey, with many transitions, and at Rangebank we work hard to make these transitions as smooth as possible.

There are four main types of transition the students and families will go through as they move through the school system.



Transition from Kindergarten to School

Transition into school begins during the middle of the year when schools and kinders start to share information about the schools in your area.

At Rangebank we;

    • hold tours throughout the year by contacting the office on 5996 8900.
    • We also hold and information session in term 2 or 3 during the year for prospective parents.
    • Enrolment packs are also available online and through the office from the middle of term 2 each year.
    • For more information click: Transition into Foundation



Transition between years levels in primary school

  • We begin preparing students for the next school year in term 4.  
  • We take them through routines needed for the next stage of their primary school. 
  • During term 4 staff take considerable time to consider the best classes for each student for the following year based on a number of factors. 



Grade 6 Transition to High School

This process begins in term 2 of each year and is a statewide process.

Generally, the local Secondary Schools visit Rangebank to talk with the students and they also have an open evenings during term 2. Information packs are available by contacting the relevant schools.  

Rangebank's transition coordinator oversees the process and applications. For more information on the process for year 6 to 7transition, click here.

You can also contact the school via phone or email and our transition team can support you further. 



Transition between schools when students move from school to school

From time to time, students move between schools, either during or at the end of a school year for various reason, most often, that they are moving out of the area. It is important to let both schools know when this is occurring. It is important to Rangebank that this transition is made as smooth as possible and supports this move by;

  • if requested by the family, contacting the new school to provide information about the students needs and successes
  • transferring any files that are relevant to supporting the student moving forward
Rangebank Primary School

Enrol Now - There are three options for enrolment at Rangebank.

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We are a diverse and dynamic school with a strong focus on student wellbeing and a dedicated teaching staff.

Contact Info

Address: 14-36 Lesdon Avenue, Cranbourne, 3977, Victoria, Australia
Number: (03) 5996 8900

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